Right Honourable Yvonne E. Gamble

Right Honourable Yvonne E. Gamble

Right Honourable Yvonne E. Gamble, Venture Capitalist is the CEO of SanPete Financial Group, venture capital firm specializing in infrastructure development, Senior Partner Platform Capital Group, Accelerator Hub, Founder Simplified Knowledge Institute, think tank, MOBIMED, PPE Supplier, Ambassador of Lifesavers Ministry of Women’s Affairs Africa United States Country Director, Executive Director of Women Leading Change Now, political advocacy, Member of Policy Committee for the Planetary Society Off-World Policy Committee and Gateway Foundation, space station builder.

Gamble is an accomplished Negotiator, Speaker, Trainer, Instructional Designer, Thought Leader and Author. Gamble has 35+ years of experience: multi-billion financing, emerging technology, strategy, training, political advocacy, and policy development to Government and Private Sectors. She works with governments and businesses identifying solutions that improve small to medium size financial participation.

2019 Gamble launched "Doing Business in Africa" (DBA), intensive 1-day training. 2021 she debuted FYNB Talks with the interviewing of 15 Women Business Founders, from around the world, for the United Nations Conference on the Status of Women65 Goal 8 Parallel Event “Aligning Your Financial Goals Women's Voices on Entrepreneurship, Work & Economic Growth”. FYNB Talks is an online TV Talk Show dissecting the complexities of venture capital into digestible bits and bytes showcasing how everyone can and should participate in economic development.

Gamble’s books “Financing Your Next Billion$$$”, “Why Do We Communicate”, “64 BIG Proverbial Reasons Why We Communicate”, and Growing Your Business During Recession, are guides that help determine your business and communications’ net effectiveness on world societies.
