Reset Realign Reinvent Renew Your Business and Your Life

Reset Realign Reinvent Renew Your Business and Your Life

After months of uncertainty, we are emerging from our cocoons to be faced with the Great Resignation. Millions of people have left their jobs seeking fulfillment, wanting to make a meaningful impact in the world.
Clearly we're willing to move forward in new territory, or maybe just in new ways that better align with who we are and how we like to move through life. In this third summit of 2021, we continue by exploring how we as leaders can embody and live our leadership in our lives, with business as our main expression .
There no longer is "business as usual." While the world continues each day, finding your way can be like walking through the shifting sands of a desert. It's time to refocus our inner compass and to Make Adjustments that are true for you, so you can have confidence in your stride as you pursue your own version of success.
Today's leaders are moving from the traditional Command-and-Control based Change Management to Self-Awareness-and-Personal-Development based Transformation, Co-Creation and Collaboration in business. Some of our speakers will focus on the future - tomorrow, a few years from now, 100 years from now. They remind us to keep our view on the horizon while tending to the details that will create and ensure the viability of the road travelled.
